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Benefits of Setting Up an Online Store in Time for Christmas

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Christmas Holidays are upon us. It’s going to be a very busy time for both consumers and business owners alike. Shoppers will be rushing to buy gifts for friends, officemates and loved ones. And these days, more and more people are actually shopping online due to convenience and because many e-commerce sites are offering really good deals that are oftentimes too hard to resist.

So if you’re a business owner and you still haven’t set up shop online, there’s still ample time to take advantage of the Christmas holiday rush. If you need a little more convincing, here are the benefits of setting up an online store in time for Christmas:

Additional Holiday Income
Traditionally speaking, sales soar during Christmastime for many businesses. Comscore reported that USD46.5 billion was spent online during the November to December 2013 holiday season in the United States. So in addition to your earnings through your physical store, you can potentially and substantially boost sales if you set up your online store now.

Earn Even While You Sleep
Even after you’ve already closed shop during retail hours in your physical store, you could still be earning more profit because your online store is open 24/7. Imagine having a good night’s sleep and waking up with your bank account significantly higher than the day before. That could very well be the best Christmas gift ever for any business owner!

Fast & Easy to set Up
Let’s say you decide to put up your own online shop today, given the right manpower and resources, you can actually do so in less than 24 hours. There are many companies (like Rocksalt International) that offer products and services to help business owners big and small get their online store up and running just in time for the holiday shopping spree.

Having an online store is much like putting up a brand new store altogether, except you’re setting it up in cyberspace. However, it is more cost-effective because there’s no need for additional manpower and commercial space. You would probably just need a techno-savvy person or two who will manage the site and maybe two more people to handle customer service duties online, especially during the busy Christmas season.

Get More Customers From Anywhere in the World
Having an online store opens your business to any potential shopper across the globe – from Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Australia. And if you want to gain the attention of Christmas shoppers online, you would need to employ mad marketing skills while utilizing the power of social media to your advantage. Get your creative juices flowing and come up with catchy Christmas-themed marketing collateral that could go viral or trend online through social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

I hope by this time you’re already convinced to start your very own online store, so don’t waste any more time! Go ahead and set up your online shop today and start earning tomorrow.
Happy holidays and happy selling!

If you would like to share your thoughts about the benefits of having your own online store, then simply let us know in the comments below.



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